国立大学法人 岡山大学


組織経営専攻 研究深化プログラム

経営学講座 Business Administration


This program is for students entering the researcher of university or research institute, or the researcher and the professional staff of organizations. Concretely, it is the program to train the researcher who can explain the phenomena and solve the problems from a viewpoint of the business administration in various management activities of companies and organizations.So, based on the knowledge of social science (e.g.,sociology, economics, statistics, psychology etc.) mainly on the business administration, we support to student’s ability to solve problems in management activities.After this graduate school completion,we hope that they will enter in graduate school doctoral course , research institute, think tank,business consultant, NPO representative,and public worker.


会計学講座 Accounting


In order to enhance the students’ ability to carry out academic research on financial accounting and management accounting, etc., we develop their skills to acquire essential knowledge on research subjects set themselves by using a normative approach or an empirical approach. In other words, we aim to develop human resources capable of conducting new research from their own point of view with the understanding of prior knowledge in accounting. As a course after graduation, you can assume the doctoral course, accounting professionals, private companies, civil servants, etc.