国立大学法人 岡山大学


法政理論専攻 高度人材育成プログラム

公共法政プログラム Public Law and Policy

国や地方自治体等の公共部門や NPO を運営していくにあたり,日々生起する法的問題・政策課題は,情報化・グローバル化の進展に伴い,益々複雑化・多様化しており,公共部門に携わる公務員や NPO 職員らには,これらの問題に適切に対応していくことが求められている。本プログラムにおいては,公共部門の運営に携わるために必要とされる専門知識の修得と課題発見・問題解決能力の涵養のための教育を行う。

When operating public sectors such as national and local governments and NPOs, we face day-to-day legal and policy concerns which become more complex and diverse with increasing computerization and globalization. Personnels who work for national and local offices and NPOs are required to cope with these issues effectively. In this program, we will help to acquire the specialized knowledge for running public sectors, and to provide the training to develop abilities to find and solve problems.


企業法務プログラム Business Law


This programme aims to provide students with specialized knowledge on business law and to cultivate their ability to identify potential legal issues in everyday business activities and to enhance their problem-solving competence. The programme targets at those who are involved in legal work in business firms and who are interested in such career path responding to increasing demands for business persons with legal mind in a morden society.


司法実務プログラム Legal Services


In this program, the aim is to guide people who wish to be legal professionals who require legal knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning legal work, such as court officials and judicial scriveners.