国立大学法人 岡山大学


日本・アジア文化専攻 高度人材育成プログラム

アジア言語文化総合プログラム Asian Languages and Culture Program


This program teaches expertise on society and culture of Asia (Japan, China and across both) from ancient times to modern times. We demand students to recognize and understand the problems of modern society. This program is formed by lectures within the major and other major lectures. We expect that graduates will be active in the international community, mainly Japan and Asia.


国語科教員育成プログラム Fostering Japanese Language teachers in secondary education


Construct a curriculum that allows you to learn a wide range of subjects not only in a specific field but also on various academic subjects related to fields (modern sentences, old sentences, Chinese sentences) dealing with Japanese language courses as secondary subjects (junior high and high school) . We will acquire more specialized knowledge required at the time of entering secondary language education at secondary institution. Through the course of this program, in addition to the knowledge acquired in undergraduate education, it is expected to acquire more advanced academic content and research perspective and method.


日本語教師育成プログラム Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language

グローバル化が進む中,日本語学習に対する需要は国内外で高まっている。そうした社会のニー ズに応えるべく,日本語教育に従事することを志望する者を対象に,日本語教師育成プログラムを 設ける。本プログラムでは,言語学・現代日本語学・日本語教育学・社会言語学・日本語史に関す る授業が提供される。これらの授業を通して,日本語教育に関する,より専門性の高い知見の修得 が期待される。

Japanese teacher training program In the rapidly growing globalized world, the needs for learning the Japanese language have been on the rise not only in Japan but also all around the world.
So as to meet such needs, Japanese teacher training program has been established for those who wish to be in charge of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language (TJSL).
The program provides specialty classes in the fields such as linguistics, Japanese linguistics of modern Japanese, sociolinguistics and the history of the Japanese language.
Through them, students are expected to obtain the expert knowledge about TJSL.