国立大学法人 岡山大学




●総合人文学 学位プログラム






AELC (American and European Languages and Culture ) offers subjects to develop transcultural competence through textual, cultural, and linguistic studies.
AELC is oriented towards the understanding of diverse cultural perspectives in English, French and/or German, the active learning of functional language skills, and critical language knowledge.
The course work is multidisciplinary, including study of linguistics, literature, and other cultural texts, allowing students to develop expertise and cultural awareness highly prized in today’s interconnected world.
Our students are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program and will graduate with the ability to utilize a variety of socio-linguistic skills appropriately and effectively, enabling them to professionally engage in the dynamic, global contexts of the 21st century workplace. There are three different future career tracks for our students: continuing their studies to do a higher degree at Okayama University or an institution abroad; taking a job as a teacher at a high school with a Specialized Teacher’s Certificate; or, pursuing a career in areas such as international businesses and industries, NGOs or various social services, where they can directly apply the competence acquired through their education in AELC.
Courses are given primarily in English and Japanese, but also in German or French according to the specialty.